Tarsus Olive Platform Meeting

 Tarsus Olive Platform meeting, in which the geographically marked Tarsus Sarıulak Olive and oil constitutes the main agenda, was held under the Presidency of District Governor Kadir Sertel OTCU.


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Actors of the Agricultural Sector Continued to Production and Export

 In the statement made by the Commodity Exchange, it was asked to pay more attention to the necessary measures to be taken against the epidemic in this period, when the sectors are going through a very difficult process due to the pandemic and the normalization is in the 3rd month.

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Commodity Exchange Evaluated e-Commerce and Export in August Assembly

 At the Tarsus Commodity Exchange Management meeting in August, new season ginning fees were determined and consultations were held on the agenda.


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We Should Increase the E-Commerce and Digitilazation at Export Usage of Our Members

 Tarsus Commodity Exchange Chairman Murat Kaya said, "We must increase the use of e-commerce by our members."

While the export and import figures were evaluated at the first board meeting of August, the negativities in exports during the Covid-19 outbreak and the contractions in the trade volume were made digitally and the effects that stimulate the economy were consulted.

"We Should Increase E-Commerce, Digitilazation of Export Use of Companies"

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 Covid-19 Outbreak and New Rules ın Communıcatıon Traınıng

 Staff of Tarsus Commodity Exchange have learned “Effective Communication” training during the coronavirus (COVID-19) process and learned the mood changes and the issues that need to be done in establishing relationships.

The new type of coronavirus (COVID-19), which started in Wuhan, China and swept the world, affects our business and social life, as well as our relationships.

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 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Tarsus Commodity Exchange held its staff meeting over the webinar in order to maintain personal distance.


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