2 000512 ZÜMRÜTOVA ZİRAAT VE TİCARET İŞLETMELERİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
3 000542 MEHMET EMİN ÖZYİĞİT - NATUREL GÜBRE 46.21.90 Wholesale trade of other agricultural raw materials not classified elsewhere (unprocessed inedible offal, feathers and skins, lacquer, henna flower, natural sponges, natural cork (except edible), black pepper, natural rubber, etc.)
4 000618 OKYAY UN SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
5 000709 TÜCCAR - ALİ DİRİK 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
6 000764 KARAÇOBANOĞLU GIDA, NAKLİYE, PETROL SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ TARSUS ŞUBESİ. 46.38.04 Flour, starch, pasta, noodle etc. wholesale trade of products and prepared foods (meat/vegetable juices, instant soups, etc.) (including baker's yeast, dry yeast, etc.)
7 000786 TÜCCAR - DANYAL YÜKSEL 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
8 000795 SAY TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ TİCARET VE PAZARLAMA LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ TARSUS YENİCE ŞUBESİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
9 000796 TÜCCAR - ALİ SAMSA KARAMEHMET 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
10 000818 ATEŞLER GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.09 Wholesale trade of roasted or processed nuts (chickpeas, roasted hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds, etc.)
11 000833 BAŞARIR TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
12 000844 AVŞARLAR KURUYEMİŞ İMALAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.08 Wholesale trade of dried legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.)
13 000846 TATLICILAR ÇIRÇIR TEKSTİL VE TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
14 000860 SELAMİ KESMEN ÇIRÇIR VE PRESE FABRİKASI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
15 000884 KARAYEL TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
16 000894 ŞENDAĞ ZEYTİNYAĞ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
17 000897 KARAER PAMUK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
18 000898 TESTA UN GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
20 000921 ÇUKOBİRLİK (YENİCE) 46.21.06 Cotton wholesale trade
21 000926 KENAN KESER 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
22 000930 KAYA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ GÜBRE-ZİRAİ VE KİMYEVİ İLAÇLAR, LOJİSTİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
23 000939 TÜRKMEN TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ VE İLAÇLARI GIDA HAYVANCILIK DAYANIKLI TÜKETİM MALLARI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
24 000942 HASAN RUHİ KOÇAK TARIM, ZİRAİ İLAÇLAR, NAKLİYAT, TURİZM, TEKSTİL İTHALAT VE İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
25 000945 HIDIROĞLU GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
26 000949 TİTİZLER GIDA TARIM OTOMOTİV NAKLİYAT İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
27 000966 SEÇER TARIM GIDA YAĞ SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
28 000970 KOLTAŞ GIDA, AMBALAJ, TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.06 Cotton wholesale trade
29 000975 METİN ÖKMEN 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
30 000981 SINIRLI SORUMLU HACIHAMZALI KÖYÜ TARIMSAL KALKINMA KOOPERATİFİ 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
31 000986 OKYAY GIDA SANAYİİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.03 Wholesale trade of oilseeds and oily fruits (soybean, peanut, cottonseed, flaxseed, rapeseed, sunflower seed, cottonseed etc.)
32 000987 SERDAL YÜCEL 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
34 001005 KOLTARIM ZİRAAT HAYVANCILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
35 001006 EMRE TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ NAKLİYAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
36 001013 BADRAS ZİRAAT İŞLETMELERİ TİCARET VE SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
37 001017 MEY ALKOLLÜ İÇKİLER SANAYİİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
38 001018 ÇAĞRI TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ - AHMET ÖCALAN 46.21.06 Cotton wholesale trade
39 001023 ATILIM UN PETROL TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ NAKLİYECİLİK GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.38.04 Flour, starch, pasta, noodle etc. wholesale trade of products and prepared foods (meat/vegetable juices, instant soups, etc.) (including baker's yeast, dry yeast, etc.)
40 001024 GÜCÜM ZİRAİ İŞLETMELERİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
41 001025 ALTINİŞ GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
43 001036 ÇAVAŞ YONCA TARIM - RASİM ÇAVAŞ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
44 001037 REFİK ZAMAN 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
45 001040 ÇİÇEKLİ TARIM - MAHMUT KENARLI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
46 001041 HAMİT ÇAVAŞ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
47 001046 ÖZAY TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ İNŞAAT TURİZM TEMİZLİK GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
48 001047 YAĞAN YEM SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
49 001053 SINIRLI SORUMLU MEŞELİK-ÇAVDARLI KÖYÜ TARIMSAL KALKINMA KOOPERATİFİ 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
50 001055 SINIRLI SORUMLU TAŞÇILI KÖYÜ TARIMSAL KALKINMA KOOPERATİFİ 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
51 001062 STAR YEM HAYVANCILIK GIDA TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
52 001091 KOCAYUSUF YEM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
53 001098 ÇABA YEM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ TARSUS ŞUBESİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
54 001099 TASACO TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ TARSUS ŞUBESİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
55 001100 ABİT DALKILIÇ - NEFİS UN FABRİKASI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
56 001104 GÜNEY SÜT SANAYİ VE GIDA MADDELERİ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ. 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
57 001105 YUMMY MEYVE SULARI GIDA SANAYİ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
58 001110 ABDULLAH KANBAL 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
59 001115 TORUNLAR GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.03 Wholesale trade of oilseeds and oily fruits (soybean, peanut, cottonseed, flaxseed, rapeseed, sunflower seed, cottonseed etc.)
61 001120 FİKRİ KAPLAN 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
62 001130 BOZDAĞ SEBZE MEYVE SEVKİYATÇILIĞI AMBALAJ NAKLİYAT GIDA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
63 001133 TUNÇ BAŞAK UN FABRİKASI - HÜSEYİN NESLİHANOĞLU 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
64 001141 ULAŞLILAR GIDA TARIM VE MAKİNA SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
65 001150 MİMTAR TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ, NAKLİYAT, SANAYİ, TİCARET VE PAZARLAMA LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
66 001152 MEHMET LÜTFİ KOLUKIRIKOĞLU 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
67 001161 ALİ SEVEROĞLU - SEVEROĞLU TARIM 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
68 001167 İBRAHİM HALİL KÜRKÇÜ 46.32.02 Meat wholesale trade (excluding game and poultry meat)
69 001172 HALİL ÇELİKTEN ÇELİKTEN ÇIRÇIR İŞLETMESİ 46.21.06 Cotton wholesale trade
70 001175 GÖKHAN İNAN İNAN TARIM 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
72 001180 YEŞİL-OK PAZARLAMA VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
73 001181 ATEŞLER BAKLİYAT - ALİ ATEŞ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
74 001187 OSMANOĞLU UN GIDA ZİRAİ ÜRÜNLER TEMİZLİK TARIM İNŞAAT NAKLİYE İTHALAT İHRACAT TİCARET VE SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
76 001195 C.P. STANDART GIDA SAN.VE TİC. A.Ş. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
77 001200 MEHMET ÖZDEMİR TOPRAK MAHSULLERİ ALIM SATIMI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
78 001205 AYBAK TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA, İNŞAAT TURİZM, PETROL DAĞITIM PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
79 001210 MUSTAFA TEKE - ZİRAİ İŞLETMESİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
80 001211 SAFFET FIRTINA KOÇ ET EVİ 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
81 001225 SİZİN UN PASTAHANE MALZEMELERİ PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ TARSUS ŞUBESİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
82 001229 FATİH KULA 46.37.03 Wholesale trade of aromatic herbs used for beverage purposes
83 001240 ENDER FİDE ZİRAİ ÜRÜNLER GIDA İNŞAAT NAKLİYAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
84 001246 BEYAZİLER TOPRAK MAHSULLERİ ÜRETİM İMALAT NAKLİYE TİCARET VE SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
85 001248 ÇUKUROVA İRMİK UN YEM MISIR GIDA NAKLİYAT AKARYAKIT SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
87 1253 ULAŞ TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 1059 SAYILI 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
88 001254 KELAHMET TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 1711 SAYILI 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
89 001261 HASAN ÖRÜCÜ TISOĞLU KASAB VE TAVUKÇULUK 46.32.02 Meat wholesale trade (excluding game and poultry meat)
90 001262 GÜRBÜZ ZEYTİNCİLİK HAYVANCILIK TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 10.39.04 Manufacture of vegetables and fruits preserved by salt water, vinegar, vinegar water, oil or other preservative solutions (including pickles, pickled leaves, table olives, etc.)
91 001263 EKİNCİOĞLU TARIM ZİRAAT VE HAYVANCILIK İŞLETMELERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
92 001264 KUBİLAY HIDIROĞLU HIDIROĞLU YAŞ SEBZE VE MEYVE HAMMADDE DAHİLİ TİCARET 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
93 001269 YENİCE TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 869 SAYILI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
94 001270 KAMBERHÜYÜĞÜ TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 1658 SAYILI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
95 001271 EMRE TOPRAK MAHSÜLLERİ İNŞAAT NAKLİYE HAFRİYAT OTOMOTİV SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
96 001281 ERDEMLER KURUYEMİŞ ŞEKERLEME GIDA MADDELERİ TAŞIMACILIK İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.09 Wholesale trade of roasted or processed nuts (chickpeas, roasted hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds, etc.)
97 001284 HASKARA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ ZİRAİ İLAÇ NAKLİYAT PETROL GIDA ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
98 001285 MESKOM TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ, GIDA, NAKLİYAT, ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ, TİCARET VE PAZARLAMA LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
99 001286 KARAERLER PETROL UN NAKLİYAT GIDA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
100 001287 SERTAÇ UÇAR 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
101 001288 KADELLİ TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 2346 SAYILI  46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
102 001289 MEHMET GÜRSOY 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
103 001290 DEMET GİDER - GİDER TARIM TİCARETİ. 46.21.06 Cotton wholesale trade
104 001293 KURBANLI TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 1023 SAYILI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
105 001295 TML ULUSLARARASI NAKLİYAT PETROL ÜRÜNLERİ İNŞAAT TAAHHÜT GIDA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.38.04 Flour, starch, pasta, noodle etc. wholesale trade of products and prepared foods (meat/vegetable juices, instant soups, etc.) (including baker's yeast, dry yeast, etc.)
106 001303 İSMAİL YILDIRIM 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
107 001310 MEMUTA SÜT, SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ, ET, TARIM VE HAYVANCILIK GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
108 001312 ERDEN ZAMAN-ERZA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ. 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
109 001313 ARDA BERHUMOĞLU 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
110 001319 TARSUS TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 255 SAYILI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
111 001321 ANIL ES - ES TARIM 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
112 001322 MUSTAFA SARI 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
113 001323 ÇİÇEKLİ TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 904 SAYILI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
114 001325 SEBİL TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 2670 SAYILI 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
115 001326 S.S.ÇAĞBAŞI KÖYÜ TARIMSAL KALKINMA KOOPERATİFİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
116 001327 LEVENT KURT-GÜVEN ET MARKET 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
117 001329 KARAER YAĞ YEM HAYVANCILIK NAKLİYAT TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 10.41.02 Vegetable oil (edible) manufacture (soy, sesame, poppy, cotton, hazelnut, rapeseed, mustard, etc. oils) (except olive oil, sunflower oil and corn oil)
118 001336 PNR TARIM HAYVANCILIK ELEKTRİK KONFEKSİYON DAĞITIM PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
119 001337 TARSUS SÜT ÜRETİCİLERİ BİRLİĞİ HAYVANCILIK VE HİZMETLERİ İKTİSADİ İŞLETMESİ 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
121 001341 BUCAK TİCARET TURİZM SANAYİ VE PAZARLAMA LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
122 001342 SAYAR KOMİSYONCULUK GIDA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ İNŞAAT TİCARET VE SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
123 001344 SABRİ KANBAL KANBAL ET MARKET 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
124 001345 MURAT KAYA ZİRAAT İŞLETMELERİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
125 001349 2B1T TARIM GIDA TURİZM İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
126 001352 İSMAİL ALABAŞ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
127 001358 AVES ENERJİ YAĞ VE GIDA SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.03 Wholesale trade of oilseeds and oily fruits (soybean, peanut, cottonseed, flaxseed, rapeseed, sunflower seed, cottonseed etc.)
129 001365 SEZER ZİRAAT TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLERİ DEĞERLENDİRME GIDA TAŞIMACILIK PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 01.24.04 Growing of pome or stone fruits (apple, apricot, cherry, quince, plum, etc.) (excluding citrus fruits and grapes)
130 001370 ABDULLAH İBAR İBAR YAŞ SEBZE VE MEYVE SEVKİYATÇILIĞI 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
131 001371 ARIDAĞ AGRO PAKETLEME SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
132 001378 EYCEM SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
133 001379 ASİL TARIM - SİNAN ERSERİN 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
134 001383 ALKA TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLER HAYVANCILIK GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
135 001388 TEVFİK ŞEKER 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
136 001389 BATI SOĞUK HAVA DEPOCULUK TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA İNŞAAT İTHALAT İHRACAT TİCARET VE SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
137 001390 İDEAL33 TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA NAKLİYAT İNŞAAT ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ TİCARET VE PAZARLAMA LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
138 001394 MUTLU ÜNAL 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
139 001400 NAİL UÇAK-GİRİTLİOĞULLARI KASABI 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
140 001401 BURAK ŞENDAĞ YAĞ 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
141 001402 BAHŞİŞ TARIM TURİZM NAKLİYAT İNŞAAT DANIŞMANLIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
142 001403 BNT GIDA TARIM NAKLİYAT İNŞAAT PETROL ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
143 001406 UMUT GÜLTİKÇİ GÜLTİKÇİ YAŞ MEYVE VE SEBZE KOMİSYON EVİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
144 001408 EVRA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ OTOMOTİV LOJİSTİK GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
145 001409 KAHRAMAN SEBZE MEYVE TARIM GIDA NAKLİYAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
146 001414 SEVTAR TARIM NAKLİYAT İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
147 001419 BARIŞ AMBALAJ EMRAH BOZKAYA 16.24.01 Production of boxes, crates, barrels and similar wooden packaging materials
148 001423 SÜLEYMAN MÜSNA MÜSNA TARIM 46.17.02 Intermediaries who wholesale fresh vegetables and fruits on a fee and contract basis (including middlemen and intermediary producer associations)
149 001424 İZOL TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLERİ KOMİSYON GIDA NAKLİYE TURİZM KUYUMCULUK İNŞAAT İHRACAT SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.17.02 Intermediaries who wholesale fresh vegetables and fruits on a fee and contract basis (including middlemen and intermediary producer associations)
151 001430 BEST SÜT VE SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA TARIM HAYVANCILIK VETERİNERLİK LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
152 001437 MAY TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLER VE HAYVANCILIK TİCARET SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
153 OO1439 ARIDAĞ TARIM PAK.SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
154 001440 BAHAR GIDA İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ TARSUS ŞUBESİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
155 001441 ASLİON LOJİSTİK GIDA VE TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ İHRACAT İTHALAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
156 001448 SÜLEYMAN ALIŞKAN 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
157 001451 EKOL ORGANİK TARIM DANIŞMANLIK İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
158 001453 ALİ RIZA BULUT 46.21.01 Animal feed wholesale trade (bird feed, fodder roots, forage kale, millet, spa, alfalfa, forage corn, etc., and bran, crushed pulp, pulp, etc.)
159 001454 SALİH AKARYAKIT TARIM İNŞAAT OTOMOTİV TAAHHÜT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
160 001456 ATEŞ KURUYEMİŞ GIDA PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.09 Wholesale trade of roasted or processed nuts (chickpeas, roasted hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds, etc.)
161 001457 SERDAR ANAÇKAYA ANAÇKAYA ET PİLİÇ YUMURTA VE CANLI HAYVAN TİCARETİ 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
162 001459 YARMAN INTERNATIONAL GIDA VE TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
163 001460 MÜRSEL ÖNAL 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
164 001466 BOLTAÇ GIDA ZEYTİNYAĞI İNŞAAT SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
165 001467 MÜSLÜM YILDIZBAKAN YILDIZBAKAN KOMİSYONCULUK 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
166 001470 CMLOJİSTİK ULUSLARARASI NAKLİYAT VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
167 001472 MERSİN BÖLGESİ SINIRLI SORUMLU MERSİN NARENCİYE VE DİĞER TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ KOOPERATİFLERİ BİRLİĞİ KISA ADI : MENKOBİRLİK 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
168 001474 ZET ZİRAAT ENDÜSTRİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
169 001477 TAHSİN ALDEMİR 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
170 001483 TEKE TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLER OTOMOTİV SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.37.03 Wholesale trade of aromatic herbs used for beverage purposes
171 001485 AGROHOBY TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
172 001486 GÖNKAR TARIM TAŞIMACILIK MADENCİLİK İNŞAAT TEMİZLİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
173 001487 TARSUS AMBALAJ TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA NAKLİYAT TURİZM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.19.01 Agents who wholesale various goods on a fee or contract basis
174 001489 GÖZDE DERİCİLİK VE GIDA SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
175 001490 RAM TARIMSAL REKLAM İLETİŞİM DANIŞMANLIĞI SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
176 001492 TARSUS TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLER SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.03 Wholesale trade of oilseeds and oily fruits (soybean, peanut, cottonseed, flaxseed, rapeseed, sunflower seed, cottonseed etc.)
177 1494 EKREM SAYARCI 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
178 001499 SİZİN BİTKİSEL MARGARİN YAĞ ÜRÜNLERİ İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
179 001500 NTB TARIM GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
180 001501 FOODEX İNŞAAT GIDA TARIM İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
181 001503 BÜLENT KURT 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
182 001505 YİĞİT TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLER NAKLİYE İNŞAAT TİCARET VE SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
183 001506 ERDALLAR SÜT VE SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA TARIM HAYVANCILIK TAŞIMACILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
184 001507 BÖNCEOĞLU KARDEŞLER TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
185 001508 RİFATOĞULLARI HAYVANCILIK TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
186 001510 GÖKÇE İNÇ ACG TARIM 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
187 001512 ABDULKADİR YAHŞİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
188 001514 ER İÇ VE DIŞ TİCARET LOJİSTİK LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
189 001515 2274 SAYILI GÜNYURDU TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
190 OO1516 GÜVENLER NAR.SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
191 001521 RAMAZAN AKIŞ AKIŞLAR TOPTAN SEBZE MEYVE TİCARETİ 01.63.07 ginning activity
192 001522 ASEL PAMUK TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ HAYVANCILIK İNŞAAT MALZEMELERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
193 001523 HIDIROĞULLARI TARIM MARKET TİCARET VE SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
194 001525 AHMET YİĞİT (YİĞİT ET MARKET) 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
195 001530 MİSLİNA TARIM SÜT ÜRÜNLERİ HAYVANCILIK TAŞIMACILIK PETROL İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
196 001531 NURETTİN ALTUN 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
197 001532 AHMET YILDIRIM SEBZE VE MEYVE TİCARETİ 10.61.02 Grinding of grains and manufacture of flour (including corn flour, bran, razmol, excluding rice flour)
198 001533 TARSUS UN SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
199 001534 OKYAY OTOMASYON VE BİLİŞİM TEKNOLOJİLERİ ELEKTRİK ELEKTRONİK MAKİNE TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.01 Wholesale trade of hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts and walnuts (excluding roasted ones)
200 001535 MFS NARENCİYE ULUSLARARASI NAKLİYAT GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
202 001538 KAPTANOĞLU PLASTİK NAKLİYAT GIDA İNŞAAT PETROL ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ. 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
203 001539 WORLD AGRO TARIM İTHALAT İHRACAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
204 001541 MUSA SAMED DÜRÜS 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
205 001543 KEMAL SÜHEYL BATMAZ TOPRAK MAHSULLERİ TİCARETİ VE HUBUBAT ALIM SATIM İŞLETMESİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
206 001545 MURAT BOZOĞLU 76 TİCARET 46.31.03 Citrus wholesale trade
208 001548 SINIRLI SORUMLU TARSUS ESHABI KEHF TARIMSAL KALKINMA KOOPERATİFİ 46.31.09 Wholesale trade of roasted or processed nuts (chickpeas, roasted hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds, etc.)
209 001549 SİZİN LOJİSTİK OTOMOTİV GIDA TAŞIMACILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
210 001551 HASAGRO TARIM GIDA HAYVANCILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
211 001552 KEMAL KURT TARIM ENERJİ İNŞAAT HAYVANCILIK GIDA İTHALAT VE İHRACAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
212 001553 AHMET AYDIN AYDIN TARIM 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
213 001557 RİD TARIM GIDA NAKLİYAT ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ PLASTİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 01.13.20 Cultivation of edible vegetables (cucumber, gherkin, sharp and bell pepper, melon, watermelon, cucurbit species, tomato, pepper, eggplant etc.)
214 001558 BATU AGRO GIDA İMALAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
215 001566 YUSUF ULAŞ GIDA TARIM HAYVANCILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 01.50.06 Mixed farming (production without specialization in crop or animal production)
216 001567 BKT TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.90.04 Wholesale trade with another country in non-dedicated stores (wholesale of various goods)
217 001568 MERPAK TARIM ÜRETİM VE DIŞ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
218 001569 MERTAR GIDA TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ HAYVANCILIK İNŞAAT NAKLİYAT PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
219 001570 1108 SAYILI YEŞİLTEPE TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
220 001572 İSKENDER TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ YAŞ MEYVE SEBZE PLASTİK ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA NAKLİYAT TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
221 001573 BEKİR KANBAL 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
222 001574 1741 SAYILI  HUZURKENT TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
223 001576 BAHRİ KUMDERELİ 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
224 001577 KASIM KANBAL 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
225 001581 ÖZYÜREKOĞLU TARIM YAŞ MEYVE SEBZE PLASTİK ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA NAKLİYAT TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
226 001582 TERAPİTARIM KİMYA TURİZM GIDA ELEKTRİK NAKLİYE İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
227 001583 YEŞİLOVA NARENCİYE SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
228 001585 HASAN GÖBÜT GÜLDAMLASI BALCILIK 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
229 001586 MVA TEMİZLİK, TARIM, HAYVANCILIK, GIDA, NAKLİYAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
230 001587 BALTEK GIDA VE TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
231 001588 FRESH LİFE CİTRUS GIDA İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
232 001591 HÜSEYİN KIRAÇ 01.63.07 ginning activity
233 001592 AVPA GLOBAL TEKSTİL SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.01 Animal feed wholesale trade (bird feed, fodder roots, forage kale, millet, spa, alfalfa, forage corn, etc., and bran, crushed pulp, pulp, etc.)
234 001595 SAVCI YAŞ MEYVE SEBZE OTOMOTİV TARIM GIDA NAKLİYAT TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
235 001596 1470 SAYILI DURAK TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
236 001597 EBET TARIM TAŞIMACILIK NAKLİYAT İNŞAAT İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
237 001600 HAN PAKETLEME SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
238 001601 ALM PACKING TARIM VE GIDA ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
239 001602 TİZNİK TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
240 001603 UYGARLAR TARIM DEPOCULUK VE İHRACAT İTHALAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
241 001604 GOCA KERİM TARIM HAYVANCILIK İNŞAAT OTOMOTİV GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
242 001606 EKREM BİRGİNAL BİRGİNAL HIZARI 16.10.01 Timber manufacturing (cutting, planing, planing and shaping activities of trees)
243 001607 YUSUF DURMAZ DURMAZ TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
244 001608 ALKAFEEL UNITED YAŞ SEBZE VE MEYVE İTHALAT İHRACAT TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.90.04 Wholesale trade with another country in non-dedicated stores (wholesale of various goods)
245 001609 AVNİ MUNİROĞLU POMONA SEBZE MEYVE TARSUS ŞUBESİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
246 001611 BOZTAR TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLER İTHALAT VE İHRACAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
247 001613 SELİN CANYILMAZ KUZEY TARIM 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
248 001614 GÖKHAN ALYAĞUT 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
249 001616 ÇAĞS TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
250 001617 FİKRET DEĞİRMENCİ SARARTMA PAKETLEME İHRACAT İTHALAT VE PAZARLAMA LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
251 001620 ORTAKCIOĞLU TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ MEYVE SEBZE GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 10.39.90 Other processing and storage of fruits and vegetables not elsewhere classified (including cut and packaged)
252 001621 TOKDEN NARENCİYE LOJİSTİK İHRACAT İTHALAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
253 001622 MURAT DOĞAN - ÖZDOĞANLAR KOMİSYONEVİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
254 001624 ŞEN FİDE TOHUMCULUK TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
255 001625 MAHMUT BOZDAĞ BOZDAĞLAR TARIM SEVKİYAT 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
256 001626 BERAT33 TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
257 001627 ADEM ABBAK 46.33.01 Wholesale trade of dairy products (processed milk, milk powder, yoghurt, cheese, cream, butter, etc.)
258 001628 TARSUS İMAR TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
259 001629 ASIM ERTAV SEBZE MEYVE TİCARETİ VE PAKETLEME 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
260 001630 ZEY ZEYTİNYAĞI ORMAN ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
261 001632 TURHAN YÜCEL 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
262 001633 ESATOĞULLARI HAYVANCILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
263 001634 HTM FRUIT GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
264 001635 TARSUS YEM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.01 Animal feed wholesale trade (bird feed, fodder roots, forage kale, millet, spa, alfalfa, forage corn, etc., and bran, crushed pulp, pulp, etc.)
265 001636 TUNAGRO GIDA TARIM HAYVANCILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
266 001637 MTK AGRO TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ HAYVANCILIK İNŞAAT NAKLİYAT OTOMOTİV İTHALAT VE İHRACAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
267 001639 ROSLAND TARIM SERACILIK İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
268 001640 ŞEVKET KESEN 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
269 001641 AYŞEGÜL SARI 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
270 001642 PEKMEN AGRO YAŞ SEBZE MEYVE HAM MADDE DAHİLİ TİCARET VE SANAYİ ZİRAAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
271 001643 YUSUF MİÇOOĞULLARI YAŞ MEYVE VE SEBZE TARIM TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
272 001644 MUZAFFER ŞİMŞEK 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
273 001645 MEHMET ALİ ŞEN TARIM İTHALAT İHRACAT TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
274 001646 BNK YAŞ SEBZE MEYVE GIDA NAKLİYE OTOMOTİV İNŞAAT İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
275 001647 ALTU İTHALAT İHRACAT TARIM LOJİSTİK İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
276 001648 ÇUKUROVA KURUYEMİŞ GIDA TEKSTİL OTOMOTİV İNŞAAT İTHALAT İHRACAT TİCARET SANAYİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.09 Wholesale trade of roasted or processed nuts (chickpeas, roasted hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds, etc.)
277 001649 RUSBEK AGRO TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLER DIŞ TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
278 001650 EGE FRUİT MEYDAN TARIM YAŞ MEYVE SEBZE GIDA NAKLİYAT İTHALAT İHRACAT TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
279 001651 BALSOY TARIM ZİRAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
280 001652 NAR ULUSLARARASI GIDA ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
282 001654 NEZİR BİLEN 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
283 001655 ŞÜKRÜ BİLEN 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
284 001656 BAHAR ARIDAĞ TARIM İNŞAAT PLASTİK PETROL TAŞIMACILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
285 001657 İBRAHİM UYSAL TARIM GIDA İTHALAT İHRACAT TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
286 001658 TK TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLER GIDA İNŞAAT OTOMOTİV SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 82.92.01 Activities for packaging non-hazardous products (bottling of liquids including food, beverages, packaging of solids, labeling, stamping, branding, packaging packaging, etc.) on a fee or contract basis.
287 001659 DİRİK AGRO GIDA VE TARIM SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
288 001660 ZORBEY PAN OTOMOTİV İNŞAAT TARIM PETROL SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
289 001661 PAMUK TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
290 001662 SHİNEFRUİTS TARIM İNŞAAT SOĞUK HAVA DEPOSU LOJİSTİK İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
291 001663 ALTAY FRESH YAŞ SEBZE VE MEYVE TARIM TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
292 001664 MEHMET EMİN KANBAL 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
293 001665 FEVZİ DEMİR DEMİR MİMARLIK 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
294 001666 HMB MİMARLIK İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
295 001667 GÖKHAN ZİRAAT ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
296 oo1668 KOZACIOLU GIDA TARIM İNŞ.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
297 oo1669 PERA FİDAN İÇ VE DIŞ TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
298 OO1670 EMRAH SEVEROĞLU 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
299 OO1671 AHMET KANBAL 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
300 OO1672 ERZA TARIM ÜRN.GIDA LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
301 OO1673 UYGUN FRESH TAR.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
302 OO1674 MT FRUİT TAR.SAN.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
303 OO1675 ALEMDAR AGRO TARIM LTD.ŞTİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
304 OO1676 MİVE TARIM GIDA TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
305 OO1677 NEW TARIM SAN.GIDA LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
306 OO1678 ATOM ÇAY GIDA TAR.LTD.ŞTİ 46.37.03 Wholesale trade of aromatic herbs used for beverage purposes
307 OO1679 AYSA TARIM GIDA LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
308 OO1680 AGROSOLİD TAHIL SAN.TİC.A.Ş. 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
309 OO1681 AHMET TEZKAÇ 46.32.02 Meat wholesale trade (excluding game and poultry meat)
310 OO1682 AKDENİZ MELEK TAR.SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
311 OO1685 FERHAT GÜNDEŞ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
312 OO1686 AYYILDIZ AGRO YEM TAR.SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
313 OO1687 BK GROUP MOB.TEKS.İTH.İHR.SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
314 OO1688 ATEŞLER AGRO GIDA SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
315 OO1689 DEMS TARIM LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
316 1690 ELMACI TARIMSAL ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
317 1691 İLHAN CINAR TARIM GIDA NAKLİYAT PLASTİK AMBALAJ SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
318 1692 CNR AGRO PAKETLEME İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
319 1693 ŞAHBAZ MUZ TARIM HAYVANCILIK NAKLİYE OTOMOTİV İNŞAAT LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
320 1694 CEMAL YILDIRIM CEMAL BABA TARIM 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
321 1695 MURAT ŞİMŞEK 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
322 1696 HENA FRUİT GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
323 1697 ORHAN İŞLEK 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
324 1698 YILPET GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
325 1699 İNOVAX İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
326 1700 SEM MEY TARIM TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
327 1701 YUNUS EMRE OĞUR OĞUR FRUİT İTHALAT İHRACAT 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
328 1702 OKTAYOĞLU TARIM TAŞIMACILIK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
329 1704 TARSUS SAĞLAM AMB.LTD.ŞTİ 16.10.01 Timber manufacturing (cutting, planing, planing and shaping activities of trees)
330 1705 UHUT TARIM İTH.İHR.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
331 1706 2320 SAYILI PİRÖMERLİ TARIM KREDİ KOOPERATİFİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
332 1707 EREN ŞAHBAZ SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
333 1708 ÇAKIRCI TARIM ÜRN.SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
334 1709 S.S.TARSUS BAHARLI MAH.ÜRT.PAZ.KOOPERATİFİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
335 1710 AAT TARIM GIDA LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
336 1711 NLT TARIM GIDA LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
337 1712 MURAT KÖKSALAN 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
338 1713 TM HACIBABA TARIM SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
339 1714 VEYİS AVCI 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
340 1715 ORTAKLAR TARIM ÜRN.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
341 1716 EFE CAN KURT 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
342 1717 TARSUS MADENCİLİK SAN TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
343 1718 EKER MAD.HAYVANCILIK SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
344 1719 MENTEŞOĞLU ORGANİK TARIM DANIŞMANLIK TİC.LTD ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
345 1720 DAYANIKLI AMBALAJ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
346 1721 LEZZET FOODS GIDA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 10.39.07 Sesame processing and tahini production
347 1722 DEMİR MERİÇ LOJİSTİK DAĞ.DEP. TAŞIMACILIK VE TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
348 1723 33 ÇERKEZ BABA TAR.HYV.İNŞ.İTH.İHR.SAN.TİC.LTD ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
349 1724 FATİH CANASLAN CANASLAN TARIM 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
350 1725 OLDEN FRUIT SEBZE MEYVE İHR.İTH.SAN. VE TİC.LTD ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
351 1726 ADINA MIRELA YILDIZ MİRELLA SOĞUK HAVA DEPOSU 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
352 1727 AGROVENTO KİMYA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
353 1728 TARSUS ZİRAİ ÜRÜNLER SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
354 1729 İSMAİL CANASLAN 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
355 1730 KARACALI MEYVE DIŞ TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
356 1731 KIR YAŞ SEBZE MEYVE LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
357 1732 MAHMUT SEÇKİN 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
358 1733 EKZ TARIM TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
359 1734 CANES FRESH TARIM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
360 1735 KÖKSAL ZEYTİNCİLİK TİCARET VE SANAYİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)
362 1737 ALPTARIM TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA MOBİLYA İNŞAAT PAZARLAMA SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
363 1738 AKDENİZ BERTARAF GERİ KAZANIM PETROL ÜRÜNLERİ İNŞAAT OTOMOTİV LOJİSTİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
364 1739 HAZNEDAR TARIM GIDA İTHALAT İHRACAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.31.09 Wholesale trade of roasted or processed nuts (chickpeas, roasted hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds, etc.)
365 1740 MAHİR ÇİÇEKÇİ 47.22.01 Meat retail trade in specialized stores (including offal, game and poultry meat and butchers)
366 1741 ABDULVAHAP ÖZŞEKER 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
367 1742 SAMİ ŞEFİK 46.23.01 Wholesale trade of live animals (celebration) (except poultry)
368 1743 ÖZLEM ATAR 47.29.90 Retail sale of other food products not classified elsewhere in specialized stores (ready meals, food salt, sauce, yeast, soup, molasses, jam, hazelnut paste, pasta, honey, pet food, etc.)
369 1744 İBRAHİM ALKAN 47.24.03 Retail sale of ice cream, flavored edible ices, etc. in specialized stores (excluding services provided in patisseries)
370 1745 ADNAN ÖZYÜREKOĞLU 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
371 1746 ÖZ SEV TARIM SAN.TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
372 1747 SAYOĞLU HIRDAVAT İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 46.21.02 Grain wholesale trade (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn, paddy etc.)
373 1748 ZEYNEL İBAR SLN TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
375 1750 HÜSEYİN YİĞİT 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
376 1751 EFSUS TARIMSAL ÜRETİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 10.41.02 Vegetable oil (edible) manufacture (soy, sesame, poppy, cotton, hazelnut, rapeseed, mustard, etc. oils) (except olive oil, sunflower oil and corn oil)
377 1752 ELFİ TARIM ÜRÜNLERİ SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ 10.41.02 Vegetable oil (edible) manufacture (soy, sesame, poppy, cotton, hazelnut, rapeseed, mustard, etc. oils) (except olive oil, sunflower oil and corn oil)
378 1753 FMX TARIM SAN.TİC.A.Ş 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
379 1754 ANATOLİA FOOD COMPANY GIDA LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
380 1755 NOVA SARARTMA PAKETLEME LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
381 1756 MÜSNA TARIM ÜRN.SAN.TİC.A.Ş 46.31.04 Other fresh fruit and vegetable wholesale trade (including potatoes)
382 1757 SOOM GIDA DIŞ TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.03 Citrus wholesale trade
383 1758 AGRO SEEDA GIDA TİC.LTD.ŞTİ 46.31.09 Wholesale trade of roasted or processed nuts (chickpeas, roasted hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds, etc.)
384 1759 MURAT AY 46.33.03 Wholesale trade of edible oils and fats of animal or vegetable origin (except butter)